With our proven methods, early Intervention Sprouts Success!

Our team of professionally trained Speech Therapists will work with you throughout the entire process, learning and sculpting your treatment plan to your specific situation and/or needs.



AOS services primarily address the needs of school-age students in grades pre-kindergarten through high school. We custom-tailor specific strategies and tools for each person to aid them in compensating for or changing disabling communication conditions. Since a speech-language impairment can impact academics, we make coordination with classroom teachers and staff training central elements of our treatment approach.

Speech-language therapy looks at more than just the voice, it examines the factors that go into creating that voice. Cumulative effects of voice usage or “vocal load,” medications and general physical health, pollution and local weather conditions, and repeated exposure to pressurized, recirculated air (“airplane air”) all can have dramatic effects on one’s ability to speak.

Speech language therapy is a form of intervention that follows a thorough testing process in order to remediate impairments in one or more of the following areas:


We offer specific services to parents of this population since the most rapid growth in speech-language development, occurs during this period. We consult with parents on ways to enrich communication experiences in the home and community during this period as well as work with educational programs on creating “communication responsive” classrooms through workshops and supplements to the curriculum. Our collaborators include specialist in school placement decisions to help parents determine the most comprehensive programming for their child.

Concussions and Athletes
Coordinating closely with medical specialists, our Team tracks the potential impact of head injuries during sports activities and plans remediation programs including accommodations in schools and colleges. We conduct workshops to Sports personnel, parents and others on research related decision making to help reduce the long-term impact on the athlete.

Issues of Aging
Many persons and families are seeking additional speech-language support beyond the maximum allowed by insurance companies. We work in coordination with skilled facilities and/or programs to boost services as well as provide unique programming beyond discharge.


Since each client is so very unique, methods are individually developed that are based on research, best practices along our years of experience. An interest inventory is obtained for students so that our goals are encased within a fun format. Motivating factors are considered for our adult group such as jobs, hobbies, interview, home and social life.

There are traditional practices we use in addition to new an evolving technology. While we prefer to meet face to face, we use confidential, HIPPA compliant programs that allow us to meet remotely due to weather related emergencies for our local clients and for our overseas clients who have no other option.

The most significant approach is one of client engagement and practices that encourage motivation and client empowerment.

We partner with companies such as:

Complete Speech

Speech Buddies

Specialists such as Dr. Ann Utterback, Broadcast voice specialist

Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

  • Thank you for your excellent support to the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) in the area of language and communication skills development for our scientists and engineers.

    • Joseph R.
    • Deputy Director, Army Research Laboratory
  • Thank you for your help these past six months with my speech. I have grown as a speaker and teacher.

    I hope you have a lovely summer. Thanks again.

    • Mary K.
    • AOS Client
  • I would like to thank you both for the time and effort that you gave in assisting me in working on my case package for promotion. Your efforts have brought forth fruit in the fact that as of Oct. 1st, I will be promoted. Once again, I thank you Steve for your mentorship and guidance, and Cathy for your assistance in "word smithing" and encouragement.

    • Richard T.
    • Electronics Engineer
  • We are so grateful to you for your amazing influence in Stephan's life. I wonder sometimes how his life would have been different without the benefit of your expertise, wise counsel, and fun therapy!

    Thank you, thank you! And may the lord bless you with continued health, fellowship, and success.

    • Nancy & Stephen
    • AOS Client
Maryland & Washington D.C.

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